GRUNGE... SO WHAT?. Gan, masih ingat ketika band-band heavy metal & hard rock berguguran hidup segan mati tak mau di tahun pertengahan 90-an? Kejayaan memang ada eranya, demikian pula dengan genre yang satu ini nyaris terpuruk hanya karena Kurt Cobain bersama Nirvana menyebar wabah baru di dunia rock and roll, Grunge (Seattle sound) adalah sound distorsi gitar berat dengan lirik apatis/melankolis, ...dan selanjutnya apa yang terjadi? selera anak mudapun segera berubah.

Akibat yang ditimbulkan benar-benar merubah peta industri musik rock sejagad, termasuk pula di tanah air, Power Metal hilang tajinya, Grass Rock tenggelam padahal mereka sedang seger-segernya, nyaris cuma Slank saja yang tetap eksis karena lebih berani bermain dan bereksplorasi di wilayah rock and roll yang lebih luas dan sedikit keluar dari pakem hard rock mainstream. Sementara Boomerang & Jamrud yang lahir agak bontot masih sanggup menyita perhatian pecinta rock tanah air.

Nirvana unplugged in New York
Nirvana unplugged in New York
Wabah Grunge berlanjut hingga dikuti band-band berikutnya, terutama dari wilayah Seattle semisal Pearl Jam yang merilis album 'Ten' kemudian disusul band Alice in Chains dan juga Soundgarden. Mati surinya aliran hard rock & heavy metal membuat band-band baru enggan melirik genre ini sehingga lebih memilih sound-sound baru namun cenderung tidak mengekor typical Grunge untuk menghindari stigma epigon, kecuali yang benar-benar dengan lantang teriak di panggung "nih gue Grunge" semacam Cupumanik (Bandung), Konspirasi (Jakarta), Navicula (Bali), Jawa Clown (Kediri) dll. Fenomena ini benar-benar menambah warna rock and roll kian ramai saat itu, mereka-mereka inilah di tanah air yang lebih sreg disebut berada di wilayah jalur Rock Alternatif (post-grunge, acoustic rock, britpop, rock-indie). Walaupun para pelopor Grunge sendiri sebenarnya juga di kategorikan dalam wilayah alternatif dalam wilayah akar musik rock yang lebih luas.

Kurt Cobain
Revolusi ini membuat para pemain lama enggan untuk mengubur diri, merubah sedikit warna musik untuk berkompromi dengan selera pasar dan trend adalah sebuah keniscayaan dan mereka tak perlu untuk minta maaf ataupun merasa mengingkari idealisme tetapi lebih menyikapinya sebagai sebuah kenyataan. Sebagai contoh sebut saja Metallica, the Beatlesnya heavy metal ini dengan sentuhan Bob Rock merombak habis pakem musiknya yang berubah total pada Album Metallica (Black) menjadi lebih kendo, tak sekencang album-album terdahulu yang banyak mengundang protes para penggemar loyalis. Toh trik pasar Bob Rock ini terbukti manjur, membuat Metallica tetap eksis hingga Album Black menjadi dagangan industri musik paling laris saat itu di kawal ketat GNR, hal ini berlangsung hingga album Metallica berikutnya pada Load, Reload, S& M maupun ST. Anger.   Atau simak juga Album Scorpions Eye To Eye menjadi album Scorpions yang benar-benar berbeda dengan kompromi pada Sound Techno Industrialnya. Fenomena ini lebih tepat jika disebut saling pengaruh-mempengaruhi, akar musik Grunge banyak dipengaruhi  Heavy metal/ hardrock awal tahun 1970-an, sedangkan Heavy metal trend baru lebih banyak dipengaruhi Grunge. Oke sobat artikel pendek ini hanyalah opini pribadi saya yang sebenarnya tak begitu nglotok betul tentang musik rock, jadi bukanlah sebuah kesimpulan, jika anda setuju ya monggo kalau anda anggap ngaco mohon kepala saya jangan ditimpuk bata.

Selanjutnya di bawah ini beberapa lagu Rock Alternative yang sering wara-wiri di MTV maupun stasiun radio di tahun 90-an hingga kini. Daftar ini merupakan representasi akurat dari apa yang anda dengar di stasiun radio rock alternatif di tahun 90-an, saya yakin anda masih ingat atau malah sangat lekat dengan list di bawah ini, sorry tidak menyertakan link download.

No. Judul Lagu Artist/Band Dari Album

1 Karma Police Radiohead OK Computer

2 No Excuses Alice in Chains Jar of Flies

3 Smells Like Teen Spirit Nirvana Nevermind

4 Bittersweet Symphony The Verve Urban Hymns

5 Heaven Beside You Alice in Chains Alice in Chains

6 One Headlight The Wallflowers Bringing Down the Horse

7 Jesus Christ Pose Soundgarden Badmotorfinger

8 Bullet With Butterfly Wings Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness

9 Lithium Nirvana Nevermind

10 1979 Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie & The Infinite..

11 Paranoid Android Radiohead OK Computer

12 Down in a Hole Alice in Chains Dirt

13 Nutshell Alice in Chains Jar of Flies

14 Otherside Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication

15 Losing My Religion REM Out of Time

16 Everlong Foo Fighters The Colour and the Shape

17 Cherub Rock Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream

18 Come As You Are Nirvana Nevermind

19 Wonderwall Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

20 The Way Fastball All the Pain Money Can Buy

21 I Stay Away Alice in Chains Jar of Flies

22 Brain Stew Green Day Insomniac

23 Creep Stone Temple Pilots Core

24 In Bloom Nirvana Nevermind

25 Rotten Apple Alice in Chains Jar of Flies

26 Heart Shaped Box Nirvana In Utero

27 Plush Stone Temple Pilots Core

28 The Man Who Sold The World (Cover) Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York

29 Californication Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication

30 Ænima Tool Ænima

31 Grind Alice in Chains Alice in Chains

32 Mr. Jones Counting Crows August and Everything After

33 Personal Jesus Depeche Mode Violator

34 Under The Bridge Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik

35 Bound for the Floor Local H As Good As Dead

36 Touch, Peel and Stand Days of the New Days of the New

37 Man In The Box Alice in Chains Facelift

38 Your Woman White Town Women In Technology

39 No Shelter Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles

40 All The Small Things Blink-182 Enema of the State

41 Would? Alice in Chains Dirt

42 In The Meantime Spacehog Resident Alien

43 Dumb Nirvana In Utero

44 You Ought to Know Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill

45 All I Want Toad the Wet Sprocket Fear

46 December Collective Soul Collective Soul

47 Dirt Alice in Chains Dirt

48 Mayonaise Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream

49 Song 2 Blur Blur

50 A Long December Counting Crows Recovering the Satellites

51 Santa Monica Everclear Sparkle & Fade

52 Rooster Alice in Chains Dirt

53 Counting Blue Cars Dishwalla Pet Your Friends

54 Buddy Holly Weezer Blue Album

55 Burden In My Hand Soundgarden Down on the Upside

56 Soma Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream

57 Junkhead Alice in Chains Dirt

58 Flagpole Sitta Harvey Danger Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?

59 Enter Sandman Metallica Metallica

60 I Alone Live Throwing Copper

61 Run Collective Soul Dosage

62 Find The River REM Automatic for the People

63 A Tout Le Monde Megadeth Youthanasia

64 Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Crash Test Dummies God Shuffled his Feet

65 Unglued Stone Temple Pilots Purple

66 Low Cracker Kerosene Hat

67 Streets of Philadelphia Bruce Springsteen Soundtrack: Philadelphia

68 Interstate Love Song Stone Temple Pilots Purple

69 Self Esteem The Offspring Smash

70 Sex and Candy Marcy Playground Marcy Playground

71 Lucky Man The Verve Urban Hymns

72 Semi Charmed Life Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind

73 Thief Our Lady Peace Happiness... Is Not A Fish...

74 Possum Kingdom Toadies Rubberneck

75 Rape Me Nirvana In Utero

76 Zero Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness

77 Tyler Toadies Rubberneck

78 Lucky Radiohead OK Computer

79 Blow up the Outside World Soundgarden Down on the Upside

80 Drive REM Automatic for the People

81 Iris Goo Goo Dolls Dizzy Up the Girl

82 Today Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream

83 Big Empty Stone Temple Pilots Purple

84 Hate To Feel Alice in Chains Dirt

85 Mary Jane's Last Dance Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Greatest Hits

86 Why I'm Here Oleander February Son

87 Sour Girl Stone Temple Pilots No. 4

88 Closing Time Semisonic Feeling Strangely Fine

89 Nearly Lost You Screaming Trees Sweet Oblivion

90 Say It Ain't So Weezer Blue Album

91 What's The Frequency, Kenneth? REM Monster

92 Carnival Natalie Merchant Tigerlily

93 Crazy Life Toad the Wet Sprocket Coil

94 Never Let You Go Third Eye Blind Blue

95 Linger The Cranberries Everybody Else is Doing It

96 Losing A Whole Year Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind

97 You Learn Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill

98 Runaway Train Soul Asylum Grave Dancer's Union

99 All My Friends Counting Crows This Desert Life

100 Don't Look Back In Anger Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

101 Rhinoceros Smashing Pumpkins Gish

102 Hand In My Pocket Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill

103 Ava Adore Smashing Pumpkins Adore

104 Rain When I Die Alice in Chains Dirt

105 Tighter & Tighter Soundgarden Down on the Upside

106 Only in Dreams Weezer Blue Album

107 Killing in the Name of Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine

108 Outshined Soundgarden Badmotorfinger

109 One of Us Joan Osborne Relish

110 Tonight, Tonight Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness

111 Zombie The Cranberries No Need To Argue

112 Saint Joe on the School Bus Marcy Playground Marcy Playground

113 Bittersweet Me REM New Adventures in Hi-Fi

114 Good Morning Baby Bic Runga and Dan Wilson Soundtrack: American Pie

115 Good Better than Ezra Deluxe

116 Take a Picture Filter Title of Record

117 The Chemicals Between Us Bush The Science of Things

118 The Good Life Weezer Pinkerton

119 We Are Vertical Horizon Everything You Want

120 Whats My Age Again? Blink-182 Enema of the State

121 Don't Follow Alice in Chains Jar of Flies

122 Selling The Drama Live Throwing Copper

123 On a Plain Nirvana Nevermind

124 Bulls on Parade Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire

125 Ironic Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill

126 Drive Incubus Make Yourself

127 Stranger By the Day Shades Apart Eyewitness

128 Love Spreads Stone Roses Second Coming

129 Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth Primitive Radio Gods Rocket

130 Cuts You Up Peter Murphy Deep

131 Enjoy The Silence Depeche Mode Violator

132 Fake Plastic Trees Radiohead The Bends

133 Weapon and the Wound Days of the New Days of the New

134 Over Now Alice in Chains Alice in Chains

135 Prophecy Remy Zero Villa Elaine

136 Fell On Black Days Soundgarden Superunknown

137 Headache Frank Black Teenager of the Year

138 High Feeder Polythene

139 Compliment Collective Soul Dosage

140 Woodburning Toad the Wet Sprocket Dulcinea

141 About A Girl (Live) Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York

142 Creep Radiohead Pablo Honey

143 In the Garage Weezer Blue Album

144 Gotta Get Away The Offspring Smash

145 Nothing Else Matters Metallica Metallica

146 Shine Collective Soul Hints, Allegations, and Things...

147 Breed Nirvana Nevermind

148 Casual Affair Tonic Lemon Parade

149 Fade Into You Mazzy Star So Tonight That I Might See

150 My Friends Red Hot Chili Peppers One Hot Minute

151 Black Hole Sun Soundgarden Superunknown

152 My Name is Jonas Weezer Blue Album

153 Out of My Head Fastball All the Pain Money Can Buy

154 Beautiful Disaster 311 Transistor

155 Champagne Supernova Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

156 All I Know Screaming Trees Dust

157 Gone Away The Offspring Ixnay on the Hombre

158 Santeria Sublime Sublime

159 Columbia Oasis Definitely Maybe

160 The Freshman Verve Pipe Villains

161 All Over You Live Throwing Copper

162 The Unforgiven Metallica Metallica

163 Jeremy Pearl Jam Ten

164 Hold Her Down Toad the Wet Sprocket Fear

165 Piece Of Pie Stone Temple Pilots Core

166 Silvergun Superman Stone Temple Pilots Purple

167 Black Pearl Jam Ten

168 Warm Machine Bush The Science of Things

169 Rocket Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream

170 Whiskey In The Jar (Cover) Metallica Garage Inc.

171 Closer Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral

172 Just Radiohead The Bends

173 Hows It Gonna Be Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind

174 Jumper Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind

175 Mysterious Ways U2 Achtung Baby

176 Army Ants Stone Temple Pilots Purple

177 Uno Muse Showbiz

178 Everything You Want Vertical Horizon Everything You Want

179 My Iron Lung Radiohead The Bends

180 Desperately Wanting Better than Ezra Friction, Baby

181 What The Hell Have I? Alice in Chains Nothing Safe

182 Hello Kitty Kat Smashing Pumpkins Pisces Iscariot

183 Walk On The Ocean Toad the Wet Sprocket Fear

184 Break It Down Again Tears for Fears Elemental

185 Laid James Laid

186 Morning Glory Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

187 Head Over Feet Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill

188 Quiet Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream

189 The Day I Tried to Live Soundgarden Superunknown

190 Far Behind Candlebox Candlebox

191 King Nothing Metallica Load

192 Lake Of Fire (Cover) Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York

193 Scar Tissue Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication

194 The Difference The Wallflowers Bringing Down the Horse

195 Muscle Museum (Live) Muse Showbiz

196 The Bends Radiohead The Bends

197 Sweet 69 Babes In Toyland Nemesisters

198 Pepper Butthole Surfers Electriclarryland

199 Underneath the Sky Oasis The Masterplan

200 Disarm Smashing Pumpkins
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