Natural Treatment with Clove/Eugenia aromatica/Cengkeh

Natural Treatment with Clove/Eugenia aromatica/Cengkeh. As spice and as flavour for cigarettes, in form of dried flowerbuds (cloves), containing 18% essential oil (Oleum Caryophyllorum/ Oleum Caryophylli): red, strong odour and hot of taste. Based on Pharmacopoeia, oleum caryophylli is the essential oil, yielded from the flowerbuds of Eugenia caryophyllata by water or steam destillation.

The Essential oil contain 50-85% eugenol, acetyleugenol, sesquiterpenes of alpha and beta caryophyllene, eugenin, caryophyllin, vanillin, gallactannic acid, calcium oxalate and ortho-methoycinnamaldehyde.

Eugenol is marketed as toothache wadding, to be used against toothache :17 mg locally applied ; not to be repeated within 8 hours and maximal use during 2 days. There is a talk of a local action on skin and mucous membrane or of specific therapeutic action. Eugeniin is the active principle of the ether or water extracts of buds of Syzygium aromatica (82 mg from 50 g buds) with an antiviral action at 10 micro/ml against herpes simplex virus during antiviral test. This action corresponds with the eye cleansing properties of Clove, as herpes simplex is rather common cause of eye virus disease. A.o. this also applies to orthomethoxycinnamaldehyde, which already has bacteria, e.g. aspergillus parasiticus, A. flavus, Clostridium botulinum and Staphylococcus aureus.

Height of Clove trees 5-10 m. Leaves yellow-green and reddish, also leatherlike. Flowerbud from green, yellow-green becoming light-yellow and red. Having large square leaves and sanguine flowers in numerous groups of terminal clusters.Cloves are harvested when 1.5–2 cm long, and consist of a long calyx, terminating in four spreading sepals, and four unopened petals which form a small ball in the center. Flowering time at April-September.

Native in Moluccas Indonesia, now everywhere cultivated in the tropics, e.g. in Zanzibar, Madagascar, pakistan and Sri Lanka also grown in India and Vietnam.

Latin : Syzygium aromaticum/ Eugenia aromatica/ Eugenia caryophyllata/ Caryophyllux aromaticus/ Jambosa caryophyllus
Indonesian : Cengkeh/Cengkih/ Kembang lawang/Bunga Lawang/ Cengke
English : Clove
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