Cubeb Pepper/Piper cubeba for Treatment diabetes, rheumatism, dysentery and gonorrhea

Cubeb Pepper/Piper cubeba for Treatment  diabetes, rheumatism, dysentery and gonorrhea . In China fruits of Cubeb pepper are carminative and stomachic; they are a remedy for vomiting and stomach disorders, and sunstroke. In Taiwan Cubeb pepper is used to treat gonnorrhea and diabetes.In Indo-China it is a drug for stimulating the appetite, digestion and secretions. However, prolonged use may cause diarrhea. In the Malay Peninsula it is one of 26 drugs, pounded together and used in a decoction to be drunk at intervals after confinement. It is a diuretic and, on account of being a genito-urinary antiseptic, has been used for a long time to treat gonorrhea; further to traet rheumatism. In Indonesia this pepper is present in native medicines to treat veneraldiseasesmdysentry, and other bowel troubles.

The most obvious constituent of the fruits odour of cubebs and a warm aromatic camphoraceous taste. In China it was recently found, that the volatile oil decreases the death rate of rats in infected with influenza virus, as compared to that of control group without the oil. Another constituent is cubebin (2-3%), of which the crystals may sometimes be seen in the fruits skin, devoid of any remarkable therapeutic action though bitter of taste. The resin extracted from cubebs contains cubebic acid. Othe reported constituents of the volatile (essential) oil are sesquiterpene hydrate, cadinene, cineole,dipentene, carene, sabinene, pinene, camphene, azulene,, turpineol, starch, gum, resin and fixed.

Cubeb Pepper is a climbing-plant with long (3-15 m) stalks. Leaves egg-round with pointed top and at the undersurface covered with sunken, small glands. The 10 mm fruits of cubeb pepper (berries) are spherical though typically toiled, with a sweetyodour, to be distinguished from black pepper; beneath the fruits skin (pericarp) is a nut which contain the seed, white and oily; they react with sulphuric acid (red colour), which is mostly not the case with forgeries.

Native in Java Indonesia; in woods, also cultivated in gardens along hedges, in coffea and cocoa estates, up to 400 m. This plant (Cubeb pepper) was introduced into medicine by the Arabian physician of the middle ages and is used as such and spice a.o. in Europe, India, China, Indo china and Malay.

Latin : Piper Cubeba/ Cubebaofficinalis 
Indonesia : Maricabuntut/ Rinu/ Kemukus 
English : Cubeb Pepper
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