Mengenal Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata Snellen Chart dan LogMAR Chart. Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata disebut dengan nama Grafik Snellen atau Snellen Chart adalah...
VITAMIN D AND RICKETS. Rickets, and it primary cause was a lack of vitamin D.Beginning in the seventeenth century, rickets was epidemic among poor children living...
ALTERED EATING HABITS. The quantity and types of foods consumed, however, may be the most important determinants of the obesity epidemic. Over the last few decades,...
SOURCE OF VITAMIN D. With enough sunshine, animal and human bodies can make their own active vitamin D. Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Wild cod often...
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed. A decoction of the roots or leaves Bastard...
FOTO-GAMBAR PAHLAWAN NASIONAL INDONESIA-LENGKAP . Bangsa yang besar adalah sebuah bangsa yang menghargai akan jasa-jasa pahlawannya, demi...