Mengenal Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata Snellen Chart dan LogMAR Chart. Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata disebut dengan nama Grafik Snellen atau Snellen Chart adalah grafik mata yang biasa digunakan oleh tenaga medis untuk mengukur ketajaman visual. Dokter mata asal Belanda Herman Snellen yang pertama kali menemukan teknik ini merujuk pada namanya alat ini disebut dengan Grafik Snellen yang mulai dikembangkan dan digunakan pada tahun 1862 sebagai alat pengukuran ketajaman mata yang kemudian dikembangkan oleh profesornya Franciscus Cornelis Donders.
Alternative exercise for slim body. There are many questions about how to burn fat. Generally you can do with a morning jog. But there are times when we are bored or can not get out coincidence, either because of rain or other things. There are alternatives that can be done as a substitute for
Tips for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women. Some tips below are, for women in pregnancy and breastfeeding disorders :
1. Morning sickness. “Morning” sickness is not necessarily unique to mornings. About half of all pregnant women
1. Morning sickness. “Morning” sickness is not necessarily unique to mornings. About half of all pregnant women
Undiagnosed Asthma. Asthma comes from the word "asthma" is derived from the Greek word meaning "difficult to breathe."Asthma is known because of the symptoms of shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing caused by
Obese and in Danger. When a person is 100 pounds (45.3 kg) or more over his or her ideal body weight, the condition is referred to as morbidobesity. This is a serious disease. Morbid obesity may also be defined as a BMI of 40 or greater, or as a BMI between 35 and 40 if accompanied by a serious medical
Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips for Beautiful Skin. There's truth to the saying, "Beauty starts on the inside." Proper hydration and nutrition are key components of a healthy lifestyle and beauty regimen. Explore the importance of hydration, whole foods, antioxidants, healthy fats, and more.
Smoking and Pregnancy. Women who smoke have increased risk for conception delay and for both primary and secondary infertility.
Women who smoke during pregnancy risk pregnancy complications, premature birth, low birth weight infants, infections, still birth, and infant death.
NATURAL TREATMENS FOR INFANTILE ASTHMA. When a child with bronchitis to run and get tired easily agitated, is a clear sign that you have asthma (early). Asthma is a respiratory disease (partial blockage) of the lungs characterized by chronic inflammation of the bronchi, making breathing difficult.
Overweight and metabolic sindrome. One of the major risk factors of overweight is the development of metabolic syndrome. People with metabolic syndrome have at least three of the following disorders
Fatty acids, Vitamins, and Minerals. Fats not only supply calories and energy, but also provide the body with essential substances that it cannot make on its own.
VITAMIN D AND RICKETS. Rickets, and it primary cause was a lack of vitamin D.Beginning in the seventeenth century, rickets was epidemic among poor children living in crowded, dirty, industrial cities, especially northern ones.
WHAT IS KWARSHIORKOR?. Kwashiorkor, the other major PEM, may require an equally difficult treatment program. Kwashiorkor is a disease of protein malnutrition that usually occurs in poor countries, especially during times of drought, famine, or war.
ALTERED EATING HABITS. The quantity and types of foods consumed, however, may be the most important determinants of the obesity epidemic. Over the last few decades, eating patterns have changed in wealthy countries.
SOURCE OF VITAMIN D. With enough sunshine, animal and human bodies can make their own active vitamin D. Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Wild cod often have large quantities of vitamin D in their livers.
Biden Pilosa for treating stings of poisonous insect. In general, Biden Pilosa is use for treating stings of poisonous insect, snake bites and unhealthy granulations of wounds; the juice is used both internally and externally. In China a decoction of the leaves,
RUMUS TEPAT CARA MENGHITUNG BERAT BADAN IDEAL. Berat badan yang ideal adalah dambaan semua orang yang menginginkan hidup sehat. Berat badan yang ideal dapat mengurangi anda terhadap resiko stroke yang merupakan penyebab kematian nomor empat untuk usia dewasa.
GAMBAR TEST BUTA WARNA-HURUF TOKEK-ISHIHARA-COLOURBLINDNESS. Huruf tokek merupakan alat instruksi atau alat penolong instruksi yang sering digunakan untuk test buta warma atau test ishihara [colourblindness].
Nut Grass is used as astrigent in case of diarrhea. The bitter to taste and fragrant rhizomes [tubers] are medicinally use as powders, also in Europe. Among is many therapeutic uses,the following are to be mentioned:asstimulant,stomachic, diuretic,anthelmintic and emmenagougue
Tamarind Tree/ Tamarindusindica [The Medical Plant]. Jelly of treacle tamarind is being prepared from the sour fruit pulp; also jam. The heavy heartwood is used for fine wood work and wood carving. The seeds, roasted or fritted, are edible.
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed. A decoction of the roots or leaves Bastard agrimony is given to treat fever. The leaves, prepared as an infusion, are used as an eyewash (also in the Gold Coast), as a drug against stomach trouble, for wound treatment (ointment), to treat bone complaints.
FOTO-GAMBAR PAHLAWAN NASIONAL INDONESIA-LENGKAP . Bangsa yang besar adalah sebuah bangsa yang menghargai akan jasa-jasa pahlawannya, demi...
LOGO-LAMBANG KODAM-KOTAMA TNI AD . Jajaran TNI AD terdiri atas 16 Komando Utama(Kotama)TNI AD sebagai unsur pelaksana dan penindak di ko...
MENGATASI TAMPIAS AIR HUJAN PADA RUMAH, BEGINI CARANYA . Begini cara mengatasi Tampias akibat air hujan, yaitu dengan membuat sedikit mod...
KUMPULAN GAMBAR HITAM PUTIH [BW] UNTUK DIWARNAI . Berikut di bawah ini merupakan gambar hitam putih untuk belajar mewarnai bagi anak-ana...
Cara Upload (menyimpan File) Javasript di Google Code membutuhkan proses yang tidak rumit jika anda pernah mencobanya. Anda hanya membutuhka...